Classic Wooden Picket Fence Gate

A picket fence gate made of wood is a tried and true style of fence that’s been around since Colonial times. This fence gate is made of wooden pickets – a few hundred years ago they would have been sharpened points to keep out intruders but now the pointed tops are more of a design element than home protection!

9. All American Vinyl Picket Fence Gate

The All American Vinyl Picket Fence Gate is a unique design in which the top of the gate slopes down – almost a reverse arch. Each vinyl panel in this fence gate has a picket style top. These pickets are spaced out and do not contribute to privacy in your yard, but they do look quite stylish.

Metal fence gate ideas

Metal fence gates come in a wide variety of styles and designs! They can add a modern twist to your fence or they can be made to mimic traditional styles.


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