Artificial Turf for Residential Lawns + Natural Landscaping Elements

While artificial turf for residential lawns in San Jose offer convenience and maintain a consistently green aesthetic, many homeowners yearn for the added depth and beauty of natural elements. 

Thankfully, it’s entirely feasible to blend the best of both worlds, integrating natural landscaping features into an artificial grass lawn. Let’s delve into eight creative strategies for doing just that:

1. Integrate Real Trees and Shrubs

A lush border of trees and shrubs can lend an authentic touch to your artificial lawn. Consider plant species that thrive in our local climate here in San Jose. Beyond that, we recommend a mixture of trees, shrubs, and blooms.

  • You might opt for tall trees like oaks or maples, which can provide shade and visual interest.
  • Smaller trees like dogwoods or redbuds offer beautiful blossoms in the spring. 
  • For shrubs, consider colorful hydrangeas, evergreen boxwoods, or azaleas for a splash of color.
  • Also, consider seasonally blooming plants to keep your yard looking vibrant throughout the year.

Finally, don’t forget to plant some native species to support local wildlife.


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